My insights

Knowledge from Individual work.

In the modern industrialized rapidly. The technology to grow exponentially. So we need to keep up the pace. To learn something new and useful to the everyday life and in your own page. The need for enhancing the knowledge of information technology, such as the evolution of the Web. Types of Web 1.0 to 3.0, which is beginning to happen. Understanding about the teaching and learning styles, including face-to-face, blended, fully online, and I can use the old server and abundance in life. Direction of information technology and curriculum and instruction. English language skills of the staff. They have developed skills in acquiring such skills and knowledge retrieval of a wide range of knowledge in the online world. They must know how to search for information that is required to obtain the relevant information. Skills in the screenings have been searching for information to obtain useful knowledge. Process of critical thinking skills. Synthesis The extracted knowledge. To respond to the issues and topics that were assigned at different times. Has changed the attitudes towards and knowledge of some things I know to be correct. But in reality it is only partially filled, the rest are better.

Knowledge from Group work.

The idea is to practice and work to make it work effectively and meet goals. Work in a systematic way. The issue is the exchange of knowledge within the group, which relies on communication skills, with themes ranging from the presentation of the topic discussed. After communicating via online media. Known to aid in the research until a mutual learning process. Create harmony and unity in the group. Learning the habits of others. The positive thinking and diverse perspectives that can extract the knowledge on the job. During the work on the study of other groups made ​​more fulfilling knowledge.

Knowledge from the project and  E-portfolio.

As new media technology. To step up to the next level. The use of the Internet grew into a creative media and new forms of teaching technology on the online world. By learning about the different technologies in order to learn which featured - but the point of difference, and applied to the appropriate But what is important for the use of technology. Need to keep practicing them to achieve and contribute to the development of expertise and knowledge to build on, and even if the underlying technology is the same as an advantage because it can lead to creativity. The features in the specimen. Themselves used microsoft office can use the blog as a tool in their creative work. And have a chat or a HTML input of the animation to make blogs interesting. The self-impressed. The trial is open to students (at the time the work was not completed) college students astound. And focus on the good work. I feel I have the ability and the desire to develop some. Creative media / instructional methods that are more attractive to me. And there is a need to create new work for the students to use.

Summary of what is an essential skill for the 21st century is a systematic process of training is the process of thought. Can apply their knowledge of technology to use in everyday life and to develop a model curriculum for students to learn effectively.


The course professor should enlighten slower than this or unless the time for students to follow periodically. Because most of student technology is not good. Time to see how the teacher then turned back to the computer by yourself and make the process. It doesn't listen and see the process to continuous but it more important. So I listen to the end of it as well as I do not remember all of process.

Thank you  Professor Maturos for everything in this semester.

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